Tag: years

old economy

Old Economy

What is the old economy The old economy is an economic system that is based on traditional industries such as manufacturing and agriculture. This system...

Oil Reserves

DefinitionOil reserves denote the amount of crude oil that can be technically recovered at a cost that is financially feasible at the present price...

One-Child Policy

DefinitionThe one-child policy, a part of the family planning policy, was a population planning policy of China. It was introduced in 1979 and began...
One-Cancel-All order

One-Cancel-All Order (OCA)

What is 'One-Cancel-All Order (OCA)' A One-Cancel-All (OCA) order is a type of options order that gives the trader the ability to place multiple options...

Old-Age And Survivors Insurance Trust Fund

What is 'Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund' One of the two trust funds managed by the Social Security Administration, the...

Offshore Portfolio Investment Strategy (OPIS)

What is 'Offshore Portfolio Investment Strategy - OPIS' A tax shelter product designed to create large, seemingly real losses to be used...

Mandatory Convertible

What is a 'Mandatory Convertible' A mandatory convertible is a type of convertible bond that has a required conversion or redemption feature....

Off Board

What is 'Off Board' A stock transaction that fits one of the following two criteria: 1. A stock trade involving a...

Off-The-Run Treasury Yield Curve

What is 'Off-The-Run Treasury Yield Curve' The U.S. Treasury yield curve derived using off-the-run treasuries. Off-the-run treasuries refer to U.S. government bonds...

Odd-Days Interest

What is 'Odd-Days Interest' Interest that is earned from a mortgage or other loan with closed-end installments that contain a nonstandard payment...

