Tag: years

Kondratiev Wave

Definition In economics, Kondratiev waves are hypothesized cycle-like phenomena in the modern world economy. Kondratiev Wave What is 'Kondratiev Wave' An economic theory created by Soviet economist Nikolai...

Kenneth I. Chenault

DefinitionKenneth Irvine Chenault is an American business executive. He was the CEO and Chairman of American Express from 2001 until 2018. He is the...

Kondratieff Wave

Definition In economics, Kondratiev waves are hypothesized cycle-like phenomena in the modern world economy. Kondratieff Wave What is 'Kondratieff Wave' A long-term cycle present in capitalist economies that...

Kicking The Tires

What is 'Kicking The Tires' A slang term for researching an investment before putting any money into it. The process of kicking...

Halloween Strategy

What is a 'Halloween Strategy' A Halloween strategy is an investment technique in which an investor sells stocks before May 1 and...

Happiness Economics

DefinitionThe economics of happiness or happiness economics is the quantitative and theoretical study of happiness, positive and negative affect, well-being, quality of life, life...

Home Equity Loan

DefinitionA home equity loan is a type of loan in which the borrower uses the equity of his or her home as collateral. The...

Yield To Average Life

What is 'Yield To Average Life' The yield on a fixed-income security when the average maturity is substituted for the maturity date...

Years Certain Annuity

What is 'Years Certain Annuity' An insurance product that pays the holder a monthly income for a specified number of years. A...

Haurlan Index

What is 'Haurlan Index' A technical analysis indicator, developed by P.N. Haurlan, that is used to detect market breadth. There are three...

