Tag: school

Valoren Number

What is 'Valoren Number' An identification number assigned to financial instruments in Switzerland. These numbers are similar to the CUSIP numbers that...

Baccalaureate Bond

What is 'Baccalaureate Bond' A zero-coupon bond issued by certain states to assist families in saving for college tuition by means of...


What is 'W' A Nasdaq symbol specifying that a particular security is a warrant. Explaining 'W' Nasdaq-listed securities have four...


What is 'V' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that it is when-issued or when-distributed. Explaining 'V' Nasdaq-listed securities have...


What is 'C' A Nasdaq stock symbol indicating the issuer has been granted a continuance in Nasdaq under an exception to the...


What is 'D' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that the stock is a new issue. Explaining 'D' Nasdaq-listed securities...


What is 'B' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that the stock is Class B shares of the company. Explaining 'B'...

C. Michael Armstrong

DefinitionC Michael Armstrong is an American business executive and former AT&T chairman and CEO. He tried to reestablish AT&T as an end-to-end carrier but,...


What is 'K' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that the stock has no voting rights. Explaining 'K' Nasdaq-listed securities...


What is 'J' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that the stock has voting rights. Explaining 'J' Nasdaq-listed securities have four...

