Tag: investor

Call Protection

What is a 'Call Protection' A call protection is a protective provision of a callable security prohibiting the issuer from calling back...

Call Ratio Backspread

What is 'Call Ratio Backspread' A very bullish investment strategy that combines options to create a spread with limited loss potential and...


What is 'CalPERS' The California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS), an organization that provides numerous benefits to its more than 1.6 million...

Callable Preferred Stock

What is a 'Callable Preferred Stock' A callable preferred stock is a type of preferred stock in which the issuer has the...

Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA)

What is 'Canadian Securities Administrators - CSA' A collective forum composed of all the provincial and territorial securities regulators of Canada. The...
Participating preferred stock

Participating Preferred Stock

What is Participating Preferred Stock Participating preferred stock is a type of preference stock that gives the holder the right to participate in any additional...

Capital Gain

DefinitionA capital gain refers to profit that results from a sale of a capital asset, such as stock, bond or real estate, where the...

Panic Selling

DefinitionPanic selling is a wide-scale selling of an investment which causes a sharp decline in prices. Specifically, an investor wants to get out of...

Sales Charge

What is a 'Sales Charge' A sales charge is a commission paid by an investor on his or her investment in a...

Qualifying Investment

What is 'Qualifying Investment' An investment purchased with pretax income. Money invested in a qualifying investment trust, annuity or plan is exempt...

