Tag: rule

Tax Benefit

What is a 'Tax Benefit' A tax benefit is an allowable deduction on a tax return intended to reduce a taxpayer's burden...

Taping Rule

What is 'Taping Rule' A rule created by the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) that requires that special supervisory procedures be...

Day Trader

DefinitionA day trader is a trader who adheres to a trading style called day trading. This involves buying and subsequently selling financial instruments within...

De Minimis Tax Rule

What is the 'De Minimis Tax Rule' The De Minimis tax rule is a rule that states that capital gains tax must...

Ultra Vires Acts

What is 'Ultra Vires Acts' Any act that lies beyond the authority of a corporation to perform. Ultra Vires acts fall outside...

Unconditional Probability

What is 'Unconditional Probability The definition of unconditional probability is the chance that a single outcome results from a sample of possible outcomes. To find...


What is ultimogeniture and how does it work Ultimogeniture is the practice of leaving property to the youngest child. It contrasts with primogeniture, in which...

Naked Shorting

DefinitionIn finance, a short sale is the sale of an asset that the seller does not own. The seller effects such a sale by...
John B. Taylor

John B. Taylor

John B. Taylor's life and career John B. Taylor is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Mary and Robert Raymond Professor of...

National Securities Markets Improvement Act (NSMIA)

What is 'National Securities Markets Improvement Act - NSMIA' Passed by the U.S. Congress in 1996, the NSMIA was an attempt to...

