Tag: areas

Valued Policy Law (VPL)

Valued Policy Law (VPL) What is 'Valued Policy Law - VPL' A statute that requires insurance companies to pay the full value...

Valued Marine Policy

What is 'Valued Marine Policy' A type of insurance coverage that places a specific value on the insured property, such as the...
Water Pollution Liability

Water Pollution Liability

What is water pollution liability Water pollution liability is the legal responsibility for damages caused by the contamination of bodies of water. This can include...

Warm Calling

What is 'Warm Calling' The solicitation of a potential customer with whom a sales representative or business has had prior contact. Warm calling refers to...

Water Rights

DefinitionWater right in water law refers to the right of a user to use water from a water source, e.g., a river, stream, pond...
weak long

Weak Longs

Traders often enter into weak long positions, which can lead to losses if not managed properly. In this article, we will explore what weak...

Weak Shorts

What is 'Weak Shorts' Traders or investors who hold a short position in a stock or other financial asset who will close...

Take-Out Commitment

What is 'Take-Out Commitment' A specific type of mortgage purchase agreement. Under a take-out commitment, a long-term investor agrees to buy a...

Data Mining

DefinitionData mining is the process of discovering patterns in large data sets involving methods at the intersection of machine learning, statistics, and database systems....


What is ultimogeniture and how does it work Ultimogeniture is the practice of leaving property to the youngest child. It contrasts with primogeniture, in which...

