Tag: soft

Hard Loan

What is 'Hard Loan' A foreign loan that must be paid in the currency of a nation that has stability and a...


What is 'Hardening' 1. A term used to describe a price of commodity or futures contracts that is gradually stabilizing. ...
Hard dollars

Hard Dollars

What are hard dollars Hard dollars are funds that are specifically designated for a particular purpose. In business, hard dollars usually refer to expenditures that...

Hard Landing

What is 'Hard Landing' An economic state wherein the economy is slowing down sharply or is tipped into outright recession after a...

Hard Money

What is 'Hard Money' Hard money consists of funding by a government or organization that is repetitive, rather than a one-time grant....
Hard Currency

Hard Currency

What is 'Hard Currency' Hard currency is a currency widely accepted around the world as a form of payment for goods and services. A hard...

Hard Skills

What are 'Hard Skills' Hard skills are specific, teachable abilities that can be defined and measured, such as typing, writing, math, reading...

Hard Inquiry

What is 'Hard Inquiry' A type of credit report check that may lower an individual's credit score. A hard inquiry occurs when...

