Tag: phone

Looking To Sell Your Old Phone? Here’s How To Gauge Its...

If you are like most people, you probably have a few old phones lying around. Maybe you upgraded to a new model, or maybe...

How Using Technology Will Help You Relax After a Long Day

Before the advent of microchips and personal computers, the only way people could relax after a long day were TV dinners, sports, and alcohol....
National Association of Estate Planners & Councils

National Association Of Estate Planners And Councils (NAEPC)

What is the NAEPC The National Association of Estate Planners & Councils (NAEPC) is a professional organization that provides education and resources for estate planning...

Bagel Land

What is 'Bagel Land' A slang term that represents a stock or other security that is approaching $0 in price. Arriving in...

Canceled Order

What is 'Canceled Order' 1. A previously submitted order to purchase or sell a security that is canceled before it has been...

James H. Clark

DefinitionJames Henry Clark is an American entrepreneur and computer scientist. He founded several notable Silicon Valley technology companies, including Silicon Graphics, Inc., Netscape Communications...

James D. Slater

What is 'James D. Slater' A renowned investment author in Britain, who wrote a Sunday column in London's The Sunday Telegraph under...

James P. Mooney

What is 'James P. Mooney' A former chairman and CEO of OM Group. Born in 1947 in Ohio, Mooney began his career...
James Crosby

James R. Crosby

Who is James Crosby? James Crosby is a retired British banker who served as the chief executive of HBOS from 2000 to 2006. Born in...

John R. Coomber

What is 'John R. Coomber' The CEO of U.K.-based Pension Corporation, a company that helps defined-benefit pension funds manage risk, and a...

