Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB)

What is 'Handelsgesetzbuch - HGB' A law that governs the primary commercial code for companies in Germany. Included in the law is...

Head Trader

What is 'Head Trader' The manager of a trading business. He or she is responsible for the positions, risk and ultimate profitability...

Hard Skills

What are 'Hard Skills' Hard skills are specific, teachable abilities that can be defined and measured, such as typing, writing, math, reading...

Hard Call Protection

What is 'Hard Call Protection' If a callable bond is issued, there is a window of time throughout its existence during which the issuing business...

Hands-On Investor

What is 'Hands-On Investor' An investor who holds a large portion of a company's shares and takes an active management role. A...

Halo Effect

What is the 'Halo Effect' The halo effect is a term used in marketing to explain the bias shown by customers toward...

Hard Sell

DefinitionIn advertising, a hard sell is an advertisement or campaign that uses a more direct, forceful, and overt sales message. This approach is the...


What is a 'Headhunter' A headhunter is a corporation or individual that provides employment recruiting services. A headhunter is hired by firms...

Hard-Coded Stock

What is 'Hard-Coded Stock' This is a term that refers to a company's stock symbol or ticker symbol. Every security listed anywhere...

Harry Markowitz

DefinitionHarry Max Markowitz is an American economist, and a recipient of the 1989 John von Neumann Theory Prize and the 1990 Nobel Memorial Prize...