Tag: unemployment


What is 'Unannualized' A rate of return on an investment for a period other than one year. An unannualized return may be used to report...

Backing Away

What is 'Backing Away' Failure by a market maker in a security to honor the quoted bid and ask prices for a...


DefinitionA layoff is the temporary suspension or permanent termination of employment of an employee or, more commonly, a group of employees for business reasons,...
economic collapse

Economic Collapse

What is an economic collapse and how can it happen An economic collapse is a situation in which the economy of a country experiences a...

Economic Indicator

What is an 'Economic Indicator' An economic indicator is a piece of economic data, usually of macroeconomic scale, that is used by...

Economic Depreciation

What is 'Economic Depreciation' Economic depreciation is a measure of the decrease in value of an asset over time. This form of...
Wage Assignment

Wage Assignment

What Is a Wage Assignment? A wage assignment is an agreement in which an employer assigns its right to a certain amount of wages to...
Labor market flexibility

Labor Market Flexibility

What is labor market flexibility and why is it important Labor market flexibility is the ability of businesses to respond quickly to changes in market...

S-8 Filing

What is 'S-8 Filing' A SEC filing required for companies wishing to issue equity to their employees. Explaining 'S-8 Filing'...

Vacancy Rate

What is the 'Vacancy Rate' The vacancy rate is the percentage of all available units in a rental property, such as a...

