Tag: ratings


What is 'Hardening' 1. A term used to describe a price of commodity or futures contracts that is gradually stabilizing. ...


DefinitionA heat map is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors. "Heat map" is...

Nationally Recognized Statistical Ratings Organization (NRSRO)

What is 'Nationally Recognized Statistical Ratings Organization - NRSRO' The formal term to describe credit rating agencies that provide credit ratings that...

Oil Services Industry ETF

What is 'Oil Services Industry ETF' A sector exchange-traded fund (ETF) that invests in companies engaged in providing services such as drilling...

Ratings Service

What is 'Ratings Service' A company, such as Moody's or Standard & Poor's, that rates various debt and preferred stock issues for...

Partially Convertible Debenture (PCD)

What is 'Partially Convertible Debenture - PCD' A type of convertible debenture, part of which will be redeemed by the issuing company...

National Bank

What is a 'National Bank' A national bank, in the United States, is a commercial bank chartered by the comptroller of the...

Quarterly Income Preferred Securities (QUIPS)

What is 'Quarterly Income Preferred Securities - QUIPS' Shares that are an interest in a limited partnership that exists solely for the...

Vandalism Endorsement

What is 'Vandalism Endorsement' An optional type of coverage that can be added to a basic hazard or property and casualty insurance...

Vendor Note

What is 'Vendor Note' A type of debt instrument used in a particular type of short-term loan agreement in which the seller...

