Tag: master

How to Take Your Presentation Skills to the Next Level

Effective presentation skills are a valuable asset in today's professional world. Whether you're a business executive, a teacher, a student, or someone who simply...

Harvard MBA Indicator

What is 'Harvard MBA Indicator' A long-term stock market indicator that evaluates the percentage of Harvard Business School graduates that accept "market...

Hard-To-Borrow List

What is a Hard-To-Borrow List A hard to borrow list is inventory utilized by brokerages to identify securities that are not available for borrowing for...

Haurlan Index

What is 'Haurlan Index' A technical analysis indicator, developed by P.N. Haurlan, that is used to detect market breadth. There are three...

York Antwerp Rules

What is 'York Antwerp Rules' A set of maritime rules that outline the rights and obligations of ship and cargo owners when...

Young And Wealthy But Normal (YAWN)

What is 'Young And Wealthy But Normal - YAWN' A class of self-made millionaires that live relatively modest lives. Instead of spending...

Off-Premise Banking

What is 'Off-Premise Banking' Any bank location other than its main location that provides banking services of any kind that don't require...

On Track

What is 'On Track' 1. A type of commodities delivery for futures contracts that is deferred and priced according to the seller's...

One To Many

What is 'One To Many' A trading platform where all buyers and sellers transact with a sole market operator. Whereas a normal...
Offensive Competitive Strategy

Offensive Competitive Strategy

Most people think of competition in terms of outdoing the competition, beating them at their own game. But what if you could take the...

