Tag: knowledge


What is 'W' A Nasdaq symbol specifying that a particular security is a warrant. Explaining 'W' Nasdaq-listed securities have four...


What is 'A' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that the stocks are Class "A" shares of the company. Explaining 'A'...


What is 'I' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that it is the third preferred bond of the company. Explaining 'I' ...


What is 'M' The fifth letter of a Nasdaq stock symbol that specifies the issue is the firm's fourth class of preferred...

Ma And Pa Shop

What is 'Ma And Pa Shop' A colloquial term for a small, independent, family-owned business. Unlike franchises and large corporations, which have...


What is 'NAD' In currencies, this is the abbreviation for the Namibia Dollar. Explaining 'NAD' The currency market, also...


What is 'Gain' An increase in the value of an asset or property. A gain arises if the selling or disposition price...

Half Stock

What is 'Half Stock' Stock sold with a par value half of what is considered standard. Half stock can be either common...

A Priori Probability

What is 'A Priori Probability' A priori probability is a probability calculated by logically examining existing information. A priori probability can most...

