Tag: average

Savings Rate

What is a 'Savings Rate' A savings rate is the amount of money, expressed as a percentage or ratio, that a person...
Back up the truck

Back Up The Truck

What is "backing up the truck?" Backing up the truck refers to the purchase of a large position in a stock or other financial asset...

Bagel Land

What is 'Bagel Land' A slang term that represents a stock or other security that is approaching $0 in price. Arriving in...

Standard Deviation

In mathematics, standard deviation is the degree of the dispersion from a set of data’s mean. The SD is higher when the data is...
Canadian Royalty Trust

Canadian Royalty Trust (CANROY)

What is a Canadian Royalty Trust (CANROY)? A Canadian Royalty Trust (CANROY) is a type of investment that allows investors to receive income from natural...

CPI – Consumer Price Index

The consumer price index (CPI) is metric that denotes prices of goods and services including food items, transportation, medical care, and others used by...

Canadian Overnight Money Market Rate

What is 'Canadian Overnight Money Market Rate' A measure or estimate of the rate at which major dealers are able to arrange...


Corrections are price declines that are temporary, and interrupt the uptrend of an asset in the market. A correction can work as a precursor...

Camouflage Compensation

What is 'Camouflage Compensation' Compensation that is granted to upper echelon employees, directors, consultants and related parties that is not fully disclosed...

Past Due Balance Method

What is 'Past Due Balance Method' A system for calculating interest charges based on any outstanding loan or credit charges that remain...

