Tag: advantage

Ultrafast Trading

What is 'Ultrafast Trading' A lucrative and highly competitive method of stock trading that uses special software that works in milliseconds to...


What is a 'Range' The difference between the low and high prices for a security or index over a specific time period....


What is a 'Sale' A sale is a transaction between two parties where the buyer receives goods (tangible or intangible), services and/or...


What is 'Value' The monetary, material or assessed worth of an asset, good or service. In accounting, value describes what something is...

Lease Balance

What is 'Lease Balance' The amount of money that a customer owes under the terms of a vehicle lease contract. The lease...

Lanchester Strategy

What is 'Lanchester Strategy' A war strategy that has been successfully applied in the business context to entering new markets. The strategy...


What is 'X-Efficiency' X-efficiency is the degree of efficiency maintained by individuals and firms under conditions of imperfect competition. According to the...

Tactical Asset Allocation (TAA)

What is 'Tactical Asset Allocation - TAA' Tactical asset allocation is an active management portfolio strategy that shifts the percentage of assets...


What is 'F' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that the stock is a foreign company. Explaining 'F' Nasdaq-listed securities...


What is 'Gain' An increase in the value of an asset or property. A gain arises if the selling or disposition price...

