Tag: account

Bad Debt Expense

What is a 'Bad Debt Expense' Bad debt expense represents the amount of uncollectible accounts receivable that occurs in a given period....

Hard Inquiry

What is 'Hard Inquiry' A type of credit report check that may lower an individual's credit score. A hard inquiry occurs when...

Last In, First Out (LIFO)

What is Last In, First Out (LIFO)? LIFO is an inventory accounting method in which the most recently acquired items are the first ones to...

Lease Payments

What is 'Lease Payments' A line item under long-term debt on a balance sheet that indicates the value of future lease payments...

Laughing Heir

DefinitionIn the law of inheritance, a laughing heir is an heir who is legally entitled to inherit the property of a person who has...

ECN Broker

What is an 'ECN Broker' An ECN broker is a forex financial expert who uses electronic communications networks (ECNs) to provide its...

Earnings Allowance

What is 'Earnings Allowance' Calculation on the net funds available in a checking account and the credit amount can be used to...

Early Withdrawal

What is 'Early Withdrawal' The removal of funds from a fixed-term investment before the maturity date, or the removal of funds from...

Earnest Money

DefinitionAn earnest payment is a specific form of security deposit made in some major transactions such as real estate dealings or required by some...

Daily Trading Limit

What is 'Daily Trading Limit' The maximum gain or loss on a derivative contract, such as options and futures contracts, that is...

