Tag: economist

Four Aspects of Gaming That Can Be Investments

Investing in Gaming We enjoy all video games, from action-packed shooter games to challenging strategy games. As technology advances and game developers continue to create...

Kondratiev Wave

Definition In economics, Kondratiev waves are hypothesized cycle-like phenomena in the modern world economy. Kondratiev Wave What is 'Kondratiev Wave' An economic theory created by Soviet economist Nikolai...

Kamikaze Defense

What is 'Kamikaze Defense ' A type of takeover defense mechanism sometimes resorted to by a company that is the target of...

Keynesian Economics

DefinitionKeynesian economics are the various macroeconomic theories about how in the short run – and especially during recessions – economic output is strongly influenced...

Kondratieff Wave

Definition In economics, Kondratiev waves are hypothesized cycle-like phenomena in the modern world economy. Kondratieff Wave What is 'Kondratieff Wave' A long-term cycle present in capitalist economies that...

Hard Stop

What is 'Hard Stop' A price level that, if reached, will trigger an order to sell an underlying security. Hard stops are...


What is 'Kremlinomics' A financial buzz word used to describe economic policies which some view to be overly leftist. Kremlinomics alludes to...
Hard dollars

Hard Dollars

What are hard dollars Hard dollars are funds that are specifically designated for a particular purpose. In business, hard dollars usually refer to expenditures that...

Headline Risk

What is 'Headline Risk' The possibility that a news story will adversely affect a stock's price. Headline risk can also impact the...


What is a 'Hawk' A hawk, also known as an inflation hawk, is a policymaker or advisor who is predominantly concerned with...

