Tag: 2020

KYD (Cayman Islands Dollar)

What is 'KYD' The currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the Cayman Islands dollar (KYD), the currency for the Cayman Islands. The...

KZT (Kazakhstan Tenge)

What is 'KZT' The currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the Kazakhstan tenge (KZT) is for the currency of Kazakhstan. The tenge...
key rate

Key Rate

What is a key rate and why is it important A key rate is a specific interest rate that is closely watched by investors because...

Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLS) .KL

What is 'Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLS) .KL' The former name for what became the Bursa Malaysia in 2004, the Kuala Lumpur...

Kicking The Tires

What is 'Kicking The Tires' A slang term for researching an investment before putting any money into it. The process of kicking...

Kairi Relative Index

What is 'Kairi Relative Index' A technical indicator used to spot relationships in trending markets. The Kairi Relative Index was created long...

Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)

What is a 'Health Reimbursement Account - HRA' A health reimbursement account (HRA) consists of employer-funded plans that reimburse employees for incurred...

Harvard MBA Indicator

What is 'Harvard MBA Indicator' A long-term stock market indicator that evaluates the percentage of Harvard Business School graduates that accept "market...

Hedge Clause

What is 'Hedge Clause' A provision included in published financial reports that indemnifies the author, or authors, against any responsibility for any...

Hard-To-Borrow List

What is a Hard-To-Borrow List A hard to borrow list is inventory utilized by brokerages to identify securities that are not available for borrowing for...

