Tag: wages

National Average Wage Index (NAWI)

What is 'National Average Wage Index - NAWI' An index calculated annually by the Social Security Administration (SSA) based on wages subject...

Large Trader

What is 'Large Trader' An investor or organization with trades that are equal to or in excess of certain amounts as specified...

Earned Income Credit (EIC)

What is 'Earned Income Credit - EIC' A tax credit in the United States which benefits certain taxpayers who have low incomes...

Earned Income

What is 'Earned Income' Earned income is income derived from active participation in a trade or business, including wages, salary, tips, commissions...
Wage Assignment

Wage Assignment

What Is a Wage Assignment? A wage assignment is an agreement in which an employer assigns its right to a certain amount of wages to...

Labor Intensive

What is 'Labor Intensive' Labor intensive refers to a process or industry that requires a large amount of labor to produce its goods or services....

W-2 Form

What is the 'W-2 Form' The W-2 form is the form that an employer must send to an employee and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)...

Labor Productivity

What is 'Labor Productivity' Labor productivity is a measure of economic growth within a country. Labor productivity measures the amount of goods...

