Tag: understand

Dark Cloud Cover

Dark Cloud Cover

How to Trade the Dark Cloud Cover Candlestick Pattern If you've been following the stock market for any length of time, you've probably come across...


Investment refers to buying financial assets with the expectation of earning profit in the future. The underlying asset is purchased not for immediate consumption,...

Lagging Indicator

What is a 'Lagging Indicator' A lagging indicator is a measurable economic factor that changes only after the economy has begun to...

Law Of Supply And Demand

DefinitionIn microeconomics, supply and demand is an economic model of price determination in a market. It postulates that, holding all else equal, in a...

Economic Indicator

What is an 'Economic Indicator' An economic indicator is a piece of economic data, usually of macroeconomic scale, that is used by...

Eat Your Own Dog Food

What is 'Eat Your Own Dog Food' A colloquialism that describes a company using its own products or services for its internal...

PL Statement

Source: WikipediaLast Sourced: 2021-02-01This Article has been Edited for Accessibility Further Reading Financial ratios as a means of forecasting bankruptcy - www.jstor.org Testing...

