Tag: technology

UCLA Anderson School of Management

UCLA Anderson School of Management

Definition The UCLA Anderson School of Management is the graduate business school at the University of California, Los Angeles, one of eleven professional schools. The...


A Long, or a long position, is an investment term that relates to securities such as currency, commodity, and stocks. Individuals that take the...

John T. Chambers

DefinitionJohn Thomas Chambers is the former executive chairman and CEO of Cisco Systems. John T. Chambers What is 'John T. Chambers' The...

Jerry A. Hausman

DefinitionJerry Allen Hausman is the John and Jennie S. MacDonald Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a notable econometrician. He...

Nasdaq National Market Securities (Nasdaq-NM)

What is 'Nasdaq National Market Securities - Nasdaq-NM' The Nasdaq National Market consists of over 3000 companies that have a national or...


What is 'Par' Short for "par value," par can refer to bonds, preferred stock, common stock or currencies, with different meanings depending...

Last Mile

DefinitionThe last mile or last kilometer is a colloquial phrase widely used in the telecommunications, cable television and internet industries to refer to the...

Lawrence Ellison

DefinitionLawrence Joseph Ellison is an American businessman, entrepreneur, and philanthropist who is co-founder, executive chairman and chief technology officer of Oracle Corporation. As of...

Eat Your Own Dog Food

What is 'Eat Your Own Dog Food' A colloquialism that describes a company using its own products or services for its internal...

Early Adopter

DefinitionAn early adopter or lighthouse customer is an early customer of a given company, product, or technology. The term originates from Everett M. Rogers'...

