Tag: selling

Geographical Pricing

Definition Geographical pricing, in marketing, is the practice of modifying a basic list price based on the geographical location of the buyer. It is intended...
Generic Securities

Generic Securities

What are generic securities and why are they important Generic securities are financial instruments that are not tied to a specific company or asset. Instead,...

Tax Arbitrage

What is 'Tax Arbitrage' The practice of profiting from differences between the way transactions are treated for tax purposes. The complexity of...

Above Par

What is 'Above Par' A term used to describe the price of a security when it is trading above its face value....

Day Trader

DefinitionA day trader is a trader who adheres to a trading style called day trading. This involves buying and subsequently selling financial instruments within...

Uncovered Interest Arbitrage

DefinitionUncovered interest arbitrage is an arbitrage trading strategy whereby an investor capitalizes on the interest rate differential between two countries. Unlike covered interest arbitrage,...


Source: WikipediaLast Sourced: 2021-02-01This Article has been Edited for Accessibility Further Reading Cointegration: how short is the long run? - www.sciencedirect.com The economics...

Naked Shorting

DefinitionIn finance, a short sale is the sale of an asset that the seller does not own. The seller effects such a sale by...


What is an 'Import' An import is a good or service brought into one country from another. The word "import" is derived...

Back Of The Napkin Business Model

What is 'Back Of The Napkin Business Model' A slang term that refers to the representation of the basic components of a...

