Tag: security

Official Committee Of Equity Security Holders

DefinitionAn Official Committee of Equity Security Holders is a group of shareholders formed to represent a larger group of shareholders' interests in a company's...

On-Balance Volume (OBV)

What is 'On-Balance Volume (OBV)' On-balance volume (OBV) is a momentum indicator that uses volume flow to predict changes in stock price....

Off-The-Run Treasuries

What are 'Off-The-Run Treasuries' Off-the-run treasuries are all Treasury bonds and notes issued before the most recently issued bond or note of...

Over the Counter Trading

DefinitionOver-the-counter or off-exchange trading is done directly between two parties, without the supervision of an exchange. It is contrasted with exchange trading, which occurs...

Mark to Market

DefinitionMark-to-market or fair value accounting refers to accounting for the "fair value" of an asset or liability based on the current market price, or...

Office Of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC)

What is 'Office Of Foreign Asset Control - OFAC' A department of the U.S. Treasury that enforces economic and trade sanctions against...

Old-Age And Survivors Insurance Trust Fund

What is 'Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund' One of the two trust funds managed by the Social Security Administration, the...
Abnormal Return

Abnormal Return

How to Spot an Abnormal Return in Your Portfolio An abnormal return is a deviation from the expected return on a security or portfolio. There...

Above Water

What is 'Above Water' 1. Refers to the condition of a company's asset when its actual value is higher than the book...


What is 'Saitori' A member of the Tokyo Stock Exchange who facilitates the trading of securities by matching buy and sell orders....

