Tag: project

Take-Out Lender

What is 'Take-Out Lender' A type of financial institution that provides a long-term mortgage on property. This mortgage will replace interim financing,...
Tax Clawback Agreement

Tax Clawback Agreement

What is a Tax Clawback Agreement A Tax Clawback Agreement is an agreement between a taxpayer and the IRS in which the taxpayer agrees to...

Tax Credit

DefinitionA tax credit is a tax incentive which allows certain taxpayers to subtract the amount of the credit they have accrued from the total...

Deal Flow

DefinitionDeal flow is a term used by finance professionals such as venture capitalists, angel investors, private equity investors and investment bankers to refer to...

De-Escalation Clause

What is 'De-Escalation Clause' An article in a contract that calls for a price decrease if there is a decrease in certain...

Dealing Desk

What is 'Dealing Desk' In foreign currency markets, the location of a financial institution's forex dealers. Since the forex market is open...

Discounted Cash Flow

DefinitionIn finance, discounted cash flow analysis is a method of valuing a project, company, or asset using the concepts of the time value of...

Dash To Trash

What is 'Dash To Trash' When investors flock to a class of securities or other assets, bidding up prices to beyond what...

Day Rate

What is 'Day Rate' The price/cost of a particular service for a day's period. In some markets it is referred to as...
unallocated benefits

Unallocated Benefit

Most people have heard of unallocated benefits, but don't really know what they are or how they work. In this post, we will explore...

