Tag: loan

Days Working Capital

What is 'Days Working Capital' Days working capital is an accounting and finance term used to describe how many days it takes...

Dealer-Median Prepayment Speed

What is 'Dealer-Median Prepayment Speed' The median value of all Wall Street securities dealers' prepayment speed estimates for the underlying mortgages used...

Dealer Option

What is 'Dealer Option' An option issued on the physical inventory of a commodity. A dealer option is typically issued by companies...

Dealer Bank

What is 'Dealer Bank' A commercial bank authorized to buy and sell government debt securities including federal and municipal bonds. This debt...

Dealer Incentive

What is 'Dealer Incentive' A corporate sales strategy in which the price a dealer has to pay a manufacturer for a particular...

Dealer Financing

What is 'Dealer Financing' Loans that are originated by a retailer to its customers and are then sold to a bank or...

Debt Consolidation

DefinitionDebt consolidation is a form of debt refinancing that entails taking out one loan to pay off many others. This commonly refers to a...

Day Loan

What is 'Day Loan' A temporary transfer of funds from a bank to an individual broker or a brokerage firm that is...

Daisy Chain

What is 'Daisy Chain' Daisy chain is a term used to describe a group of unscrupulous investors who, when practicing a kind...

Large Value Transfer System (LVTS)

What is 'Large Value Transfer System - LVTS' An electronic wire payment system in Canada, facilitating the transfer of funds between large...

