Tag: inflation

Tax Anticipation Bill

Tax Anticipation Bill (TAB)

What is a TAB and what are its benefits A Tax Anticipation Bill, or TAB, is a type of loan that allows taxpayers to borrow...

Tax And Price Index (TPI)

What is 'Tax And Price Index - TPI' A measure of the percentage that a consumer's income would have to adjust by...

Treasury Inflation Protected Securities

Understanding TIPS Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) is a low risk investment which is backed by the U.S government and aims to protect investors...

Term Life

DefinitionTerm Life is a 2016 American action-drama based on the graphic novel of the same name. It is directed by Peter Billingsley from a...


A hedge or ‘Hedging’ against investment risk means to strategically use instruments in the market to offset the risk of fluctuations in the price...


Source: WikipediaLast Sourced: 2021-02-01This Article has been Edited for Accessibility Further Reading TIPS and inflation expectations - www.tandfonline.com Dive in! Tips for Teaching...

De-Escalation Clause

What is 'De-Escalation Clause' An article in a contract that calls for a price decrease if there is a decrease in certain...


Deflation is the opposite of the term inflation; deflation is a well-known economic term that is used to describe a period in which the...

Day Rate

What is 'Day Rate' The price/cost of a particular service for a day's period. In some markets it is referred to as...

Unconventional Oil

DefinitionUnconventional oil is petroleum produced or extracted using techniques other than the conventional method. Oil industries and governments across the globe are investing in...

