Tag: derivative

Heating Degree Day (HDD)

What is 'Heating Degree Day - HDD' The number of degrees that a day's average temperature is below 65oFahrenheit (18o Celsius), the...

Hara-Kiri Swap

What is 'Hara-Kiri Swap' An interest rate or cross-currency swap devoid of any profit margin for the originator. The term gets its...
Hedge Accounting

Hedge Accounting

What is 'Hedge Accounting' Hedge accounting is a method of accounting where entries for the ownership of a security and the opposing hedge are treated...

National Commodities And Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX)

What is 'National Commodities And Derivatives Exchange - NCDEX' India's largest and most recognized commodities exchange, which was established in 2003. The...

Modern Economic Derivatives

Modern economies often utilize a set of complex system of measurements. This is certainly true when it comes to the stock market and international...

Rate Anticipation Swap

What is 'Rate Anticipation Swap' A type of swap in which bonds are exchanged according to their current duration and predicted interest...

Range Accrual

DefinitionIn finance, a range accrual is a type of derivative product very popular among structured-note investors. It is estimated that more than US$160 billion...

Rate Of Change

What is 'Rate Of Change' The rate of change (ROC) is the speed at which a variable changes over a specific period...

Call Market

What is a 'Call Market' A call market is a type of market in which each transaction takes place at predetermined intervals...

Call Price

What is a 'Call Price' A call price is the price at which a bond or a preferred stock can be redeemed...

