Tag: corporate

AC-DC Option

What is 'AC-DC Option' A derivative that gives an investor the right - but not the obligation - to buy (call) or...

Yankee Certificate Of Deposit

What is 'Yankee Certificate Of Deposit' A certificate of deposit issued by a foreign bank in the United States. As they usually...


What is 'B-School' Abbreviation of business school, an educational institution that focuses on teaching business-related courses. While business schools may offer courses...


What are 'A-Shares' A-shares is an expression designating shares that trade on the two Chinese stock exchanges, that is, the Shanghai Stock...


What is 'Gain' An increase in the value of an asset or property. A gain arises if the selling or disposition price...

Occupancy Fraud

What is 'Occupancy Fraud' A type of mortgage fraud, whereby the borrower lies about whether or not the home will be owner...
naked option

Naked Option

What is a naked option When most people think of options trading, they picture someone buying or selling a call or put option on an...

Ma And Pa Shop

What is 'Ma And Pa Shop' A colloquial term for a small, independent, family-owned business. Unlike franchises and large corporations, which have...

Wachovia Hybrid and Preferred Securities (WHPPSM) Indicies

What is 'Wachovia Hybrid and Preferred Securities (WHPPSM) Indicies' Market capitalization weighted indicies designed by Wachovia to measure the performance of the...


What is 'Z-Bond' The final tranche in a series of mortgage-backed securities that is the last one to receive payment. Used in...

