Tag: contracts

Variable Prepaid Forward Contracts

What is 'Variable Prepaid Forward Contracts' An agreement to give a predetermined number of shares to a brokerage firm, with the stipulation...

Waiver Of Coinsurance Clause

Waiver Of Coinsurance Clause What is 'Waiver Of Coinsurance Clause ' Language in an insurance policy that says the insurance company...
Far Option

Far Option

What is the Far Option and how can it benefit me The Far Option is a long-term financial planning strategy that can help you to...

Warehouse-To-Warehouse Clause

Warehouse-To-Warehouse Clause What is 'Warehouse-To-Warehouse Clause ' A clause in an insurance policy that provides for coverage of cargo in transit....


What is Gazundering and how can you avoid it Gazundering is the act of reducing a purchase price at the last minute, usually just before...


Futures are a type of financial contract whereby an investor is obliged to buy an asset at a specified future price and date. The...

Take-Out Commitment

What is 'Take-Out Commitment' A specific type of mortgage purchase agreement. Under a take-out commitment, a long-term investor agrees to buy a...

Dalian Commodities Exchange

What is 'Dalian Commodities Exchange' A commodities exchange located in Dalian, China. The Dalian Commodities Exchange trades futures contracts on soybeans and...

De-Escalation Clause

What is 'De-Escalation Clause' An article in a contract that calls for a price decrease if there is a decrease in certain...
underlying option security

Underlying Option Security

What is an underlying option security An underlying option security is a security that can be used as collateral for options contracts. The most common...

