Tag: canada

Oil Sands

DefinitionOil sands, also known as tar sands or crude bitumen, or more technically bituminous sands, are a type of unconventional petroleum deposit. Oil sands...

Sale and Repurchase Agreement (SRA)

What is 'Sale and Repurchase Agreement - SRA' An open market operation, implemented by the central Bank of Canada, that is designed...

Sale Of Crown Jewels

What is 'Sale Of Crown Jewels ' A takeover-defense tactic that involves the sale of the target company's prized and most coveted assets - the...

Canada Premium Bond (CPB)

What is 'Canada Premium Bond - CPB' A debt instrument issued by the Bank of Canada that offers a higher interest rate...


What is 'Cambrist' An individual who is deemed to have above-average knowledge of the foreign exchange market. A cambrist can relate to...

Canadian Income Trust

What is 'Canadian Income Trust' A type of corporate structure as designated by the Canada Revenue Agency that operates as a profit-seeking...

Caisse Populaire

What is 'Caisse Populaire' A cooperative, member-owned financial institution that fulfills traditional banking roles as well as diverse activities such as lending,...

Canadian Capital Markets Association (CCMA)

What is 'Canadian Capital Markets Association - CCMA' A nonprofit organization that was created to analyze issues arising in the Canadian and...

Canadian Originated Preferred Securities (COPrS)

What is 'Canadian Originated Preferred Securities - COPrS' A long-term subordinated debt instrument issued in Canada. COPrS (pronounced "coppers") are a type...

Canadian Derivatives Clearing Corporation (CDCC)

What is 'Canadian Derivatives Clearing Corporation - CDCC' The central clearing counterparty for exchange-traded derivative products, such as options and futures, in...

