Tag: behavioral

Weak Sister

What is 'Weak Sister' An element that undermines the entire system. Weak sister can either refer to a single individual or a...


What is 'Wave' A pattern of behavior marked by noticeable increases and decreases. Waves can be identified in stock price movements and...

Gather In The Stops

What is 'Gather In The Stops' A trading strategy of driving down a stock's price by selling large amounts of stock in...


DefinitionIn economics, a commodity is an economic good or service that has full or substantial fungibility: that is, the market treats instances of the...

Daniel Kahneman

DefinitionDaniel Kahneman is an Israeli-American psychologist notable for his work on the psychology of judgment and decision-making, as well as behavioral economics, for which...

Daniel P. Amos

DefinitionDaniel Paul "Dan" Amos is an American business executive. He serves as the chairman and chief executive officer of Aflac and Aflac Incorporated. Daniel...

David Dreman

DefinitionDavid Dreman is an investor, who founded and is Chairman of Dreman Value Management, an investment company. David Dreman What is 'David Dreman'...


What does 'Undervalued' mean Undervalued is a financial term referring to a security or other type of investment that is selling for...

Risk Tolerance

DefinitionIn economics and finance, risk aversion is the behavior of humans, when exposed to uncertainty, in attempting to lower that uncertainty. It is the...
Technical analysis

Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis Technical analysis is a way to analyze stocks. The term refers to the study of market that is based on the action and...

