Tag: 2009

Glass-Steagall Act

DefinitionThe Glass–Steagall legislation describes four provisions of the U.S.A Banking Act of 1933 separating commercial and investment banking. The article 1933 Banking Act describes...

Dated Date

What is 'Dated Date' The date at which interest begins to accrue on a fixed-income security. Investors who purchase a fixed-income security...

Undertakings For The Collective Investment Of Transferable Securities (UCITS)

What is the 'Undertakings For The Collective Investment Of Transferable Securities - UCITS' The Undertakings for the Collective Investment of Transferable Securities...

Jobless Recovery

DefinitionA jobless recovery or jobless growth is an economic phenomenon in which a macroeconomy experiences growth while maintaining or decreasing its level of employment....

John A. Allison IV

What is 'John A. Allison IV' A former chairman and CEO of BB&T Corporation, a North Carolina-based financial holding company, from 1989...

Jim Cramer (James Cramer)

What is 'Jim Cramer' Former hedge fund manager, columnist and author as well as host of CNBC's "Mad Money" and CBS radio's...

Large Trader

What is 'Large Trader' An investor or organization with trades that are equal to or in excess of certain amounts as specified...


DefinitionA racket is a planned or organized criminal act, usually in which the criminal act is a form of business or a way to...


What is 'PAB' In currencies, this is the abbreviation for the Panama Balboa. Explaining 'PAB' The currency market, also...

Baby Boomer Age Wave Theory

Baby Boomer Age Wave Theory What is 'Baby Boomer Age Wave Theory ' An economic theory popularized by economist and writer...

