Zacks Investment Research
What is 'Zacks Investment Research' A company, founded in 1977, dedicated to providing professional investors with the financial data and analysis needed...
Naked Position
What is 'Naked Position' A securities position that is not hedged from market risk. Both the potential gain and the potential risk...
Wachovia Hybrid and Preferred Securities (WHPPSM) Indicies
What is 'Wachovia Hybrid and Preferred Securities (WHPPSM) Indicies' Market capitalization weighted indicies designed by Wachovia to measure the performance of the...
Macro Accounting
What is 'Macro Accounting' Accounting for the total or aggregate economic activities of a nation. Macro accounting forms the basis for the...
J. Harold Chandler
What is 'J. Harold Chandler' The current COO of Univers Workplace Benefits and a former president, CEO and chairman of disability insurance...