Tag: purchasing


What is a 'Kickback' A kickback is the payment of something of value to a recipient as compensation or reward for providing favorable treatment to...

Kicking The Tires

What is 'Kicking The Tires' A slang term for researching an investment before putting any money into it. The process of kicking...

National Association of Purchasing Management Chicago (NAPM Chicago)

National Association of Purchasing Management Chicago (NAPM Chicago) What is 'National Association of Purchasing Management Chicago - NAPM Chicago' An association which...

Absolute Interest

What is 'Absolute Interest' Total and complete ownership of an asset or property. An individual with an absolute interest has both a...

Absolute Rate

What is 'Absolute Rate' The fixed portion of an interest-rate swap, expressed as a percentage rather than as a premium or a...
Real Rate Of Return

Real Rate Of Return

How to Calculate the Real Rate of Return on Your Investment The real rate of return helps investors determine which investment offers a higher return...

CPI – Consumer Price Index

The consumer price index (CPI) is metric that denotes prices of goods and services including food items, transportation, medical care, and others used by...


What is 'Parity' Parity refers to two things being equal to each other. The term "par value" for a bond is similar...

Parity Bond

What is 'Parity Bond' Two or more bond issues with equal rights to one another. In other words, a parity bond is...

Uncovered Interest Arbitrage

DefinitionUncovered interest arbitrage is an arbitrage trading strategy whereby an investor capitalizes on the interest rate differential between two countries. Unlike covered interest arbitrage,...

