Tag: master

How to Take Your Presentation Skills to the Next Level

Effective presentation skills are a valuable asset in today's professional world. Whether you're a business executive, a teacher, a student, or someone who simply...

Harvard MBA Indicator

What is 'Harvard MBA Indicator' A long-term stock market indicator that evaluates the percentage of Harvard Business School graduates that accept "market...

Hard-To-Borrow List

What is a Hard-To-Borrow List A hard to borrow list is inventory utilized by brokerages to identify securities that are not available for borrowing for...

Haurlan Index

What is 'Haurlan Index' A technical analysis indicator, developed by P.N. Haurlan, that is used to detect market breadth. There are three...

Young And Wealthy But Normal (YAWN)

What is 'Young And Wealthy But Normal - YAWN' A class of self-made millionaires that live relatively modest lives. Instead of spending...

York Antwerp Rules

What is 'York Antwerp Rules' A set of maritime rules that outline the rights and obligations of ship and cargo owners when...

Off-Premise Banking

What is 'Off-Premise Banking' Any bank location other than its main location that provides banking services of any kind that don't require...

One To Many

What is 'One To Many' A trading platform where all buyers and sellers transact with a sole market operator. Whereas a normal...
Offensive Competitive Strategy

Offensive Competitive Strategy

Most people think of competition in terms of outdoing the competition, beating them at their own game. But what if you could take the...

On Track

What is 'On Track' 1. A type of commodities delivery for futures contracts that is deferred and priced according to the seller's...

