Tag: indian

Indian Traditional Casino Games that Have Huge Earning Potential

Namaste casino enthusiasts and fortune seekers! Today, we're delving into the rich tapestry of India's traditional casino games – a world where centuries-old games...

National Stock Exchange

What is 'National Stock Exchange' The first stock exchange in America that was completely electronically automated. All members of the exchange are...

National Stock Exchange Of India Limited (NSE)

What is the 'National Stock Exchange Of India Limited - NSE' The National Stock Exchange Of India Limited (NSE) is India's largest...

Ramani Ayer

DefinitionRamani Ayer is an Indian-American business executive, and the CEO and chairman of The Hartford from 1997 to 2009. Ramani Ayer What is...
back up

Back Up

What is a back up and what does it mean for the securities market A back up is a slang term for the movement in...

Calcutta Stock Exchange (CAL) .CL

Calcutta Stock Exchange (CAL) .CL What is 'Calcutta Stock Exchange (CAL) .CL ' The securities market in Calcutta, India. The country's...

Participatory Notes

DefinitionParticipatory Notes commonly known as P-Notes or PNs are instruments issued by registered foreign institutional investors to overseas investors, who wish to invest in...

Partially Convertible Debenture (PCD)

What is 'Partially Convertible Debenture - PCD' A type of convertible debenture, part of which will be redeemed by the issuing company...

Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor – QFII

DefinitionThe Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor program, one of the first efforts to internationalize the RMB, represents China's effort to allow, on a selective basis,...

Fallout Risk

What is 'Fallout Risk' The lending risk that occurs when the terms of a loan are confirmed simultaneously with the terms of...

