Tag: 2009

Oliver E. Williamson

DefinitionOliver Eaton Williamson is an American economist, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and recipient of the 2009 Nobel Memorial Prize in...
old economy

Old Economy

What is the old economy The old economy is an economic system that is based on traditional industries such as manufacturing and agriculture. This system...

October Effect

What is 'October Effect' The theory that stocks tend to decline during the month of October. The October effect is considered mainly...


What is 'Mancession' An economic instance in which the unemployment rate is substantially higher among men than it is among women. The...

Making Home Affordable

DefinitionThe Making Home Affordable program of the United States Treasury was launched in 2009 as part of the Troubled Asset Relief Program. The main...


What is 'Rainmaker' A broker or financial advisor who brings a large number of wealthy clients to the firm he or she...


DefinitionOptions backdating is the practice of altering the date a stock option was granted, to a usually earlier date at which the underlying stock...
Back up the truck

Back Up The Truck

What is "backing up the truck?" Backing up the truck refers to the purchase of a large position in a stock or other financial asset...

Variable Rate Demand Bond

What is 'Variable Rate Demand Bond' A bond with floating coupon payments that are adjusted at specific intervals. The bond is payable...

Great Recession

Definition The Great Recession was a period of general economic decline observed in world markets during the late 2000s and early 2010s. The scale and...

