Tag: worth

C. Michael Armstrong

DefinitionC Michael Armstrong is an American business executive and former AT&T chairman and CEO. He tried to reestablish AT&T as an end-to-end carrier but,...

AC-DC Option

What is 'AC-DC Option' A derivative that gives an investor the right - but not the obligation - to buy (call) or...


What is 'Yard' A financial term meaning one billion. Yard is derived from the term "milliard" which is used in some European...

Face Value

What is 'Face Value' Face value is the nominal value or dollar value of a security stated by the issuer. For stocks,...

Vagit Y. Alekperov

What is 'Vagit Y. Alekperov' The founder of major Russian oil company Lukoik. Lukoil began as Langepas-Uray-Kogalymneft, a Russian state-owned energy company...

