Tag: theories


What is 'Cancellation' A cancellation is a notice made by a broker, to his client, informing him an erroneous trade was made and is being...

False Signal

What is 'False Signal' In technical analysis, a false signal refers to an indication of future price movements which gives an inaccurate...

David Ricardo

DefinitionDavid Ricardo was a British political economist, one of the most influential of the classical economists along with Thomas Malthus, Adam Smith and James...


DefinitionIn underconsumption theory in economics, recessions and stagnation arise due to inadequate consumer demand relative to the amount produced. It means that there is...


What is ultimogeniture and how does it work Ultimogeniture is the practice of leaving property to the youngest child. It contrasts with primogeniture, in which...
uncovered option

Uncovered Option

An uncovered option is a type of option contract that is not hedged by an opposite position in the underlying security. This leaves the...


Investment refers to buying financial assets with the expectation of earning profit in the future. The underlying asset is purchased not for immediate consumption,...

John Maynard Keynes

DefinitionJohn Maynard Keynes, 1st Baron Keynes, was a British economist whose ideas fundamentally changed the theory and practice of macroeconomics and the economic policies...

Eclectic Paradigm

DefinitionThe eclectic paradigm is a theory in economics and is also known as the OLI-Model or OLI-Framework. It is a further development of the...


What is 'Eco-Communalism' An economic/environmental philosophy focused upon local economies, sustainability and self-sufficiency. Eco-communalism is centered upon the belief that many self-sufficient...

