Tag: service

Management Investment Company

Management Investment Company

What is a Management Investment Company (MIC)? A MIC is a type of investment company that is regulated by the SEC. MICs are similar to...

Make To Assemble (MTA)

What is 'Make To Assemble - MTA' A manufacturing production strategy where a company stocks the basic components of a product based...

Absolute Advantage

DefinitionIn economics, the principle of absolute advantage refers to the ability of a party to produce a greater quantity of a good, product, or...

Accelerated Cost Recovery System (ACRS)

What is 'Accelerated Cost Recovery System - ACRS' A system of depreciation introduced by the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981. ACRS...

Abusive Tax Shelter

What is 'Abusive Tax Shelter' An investment scheme that claims to reduce income tax without changing the value of the user's income...

Real Value

What is the 'Real Value' The real value is nominal value adjusted for inflation. The real value is obtained by removing the...

Ratable Accrual Method

What is 'Ratable Accrual Method' A method for determining when and how much income was earned over a period of time. The...

Ratings Service

What is 'Ratings Service' A company, such as Moody's or Standard & Poor's, that rates various debt and preferred stock issues for...

Re-Offer Price

What is ‘Re-Offer Price' The term "re-offer price" refers to the price at which a financial institution offers a security that it has previously purchased....

Ramani Ayer

DefinitionRamani Ayer is an Indian-American business executive, and the CEO and chairman of The Hartford from 1997 to 2009. Ramani Ayer What is...

