Tag: school

Narrow Basis

What is 'Narrow Basis' A condition found in futures markets in which the spot price of underlying commodities is close to the...


What is 'Omega' In finance, omega represents the percentage change in an option's value with respect to the percentage change in the...

On Track

What is 'On Track' 1. A type of commodities delivery for futures contracts that is deferred and priced according to the seller's...

October Effect

What is 'October Effect' The theory that stocks tend to decline during the month of October. The October effect is considered mainly...
Offensive Competitive Strategy

Offensive Competitive Strategy

Most people think of competition in terms of outdoing the competition, beating them at their own game. But what if you could take the...

Odd Date

What is 'Odd Date' A type of maturity date for foreign-exchange contracts. Odd dates are neither spot nor fixed dates; they are...

Source: WikipediaLast Sourced: 2021-02-01This Article has been Edited for Accessibility Further Reading Event studies in economics and financewww.jstor.org ECONOMISTS are frequently asked to...

Karl Marx

Who was 'Karl Marx' Karl Marx was a philosopher and economist famous for his ideas about capitalism and communism. Marx, in conjunction...

Off Board

What is 'Off Board' A stock transaction that fits one of the following two criteria: 1. A stock trade involving a...

Managed Money

DefinitionManaged Money is a 1934 short comedy film directed by Charles Lamont. The film stars Frank Coghlan Jr. and Shirley Temple. It was also...

