Tag: sale

Sales tax

Sales Tax

What is sales tax and why do we have it Sales tax is a tax levied on the sale of goods and services. The tax...

Canada Premium Bond (CPB)

What is 'Canada Premium Bond - CPB' A debt instrument issued by the Bank of Canada that offers a higher interest rate...

Calendar Spread

DefinitionIn finance, a calendar spread is a spread trade involving the simultaneous purchase of futures or options expiring on a particular date and the...

Capital Gains Tax

DefinitionA capital gains tax is a tax on capital gains, the profit realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset that was greater than...

Capital Gain

DefinitionA capital gain refers to profit that results from a sale of a capital asset, such as stock, bond or real estate, where the...


What is 'Pairoff' 1. A purchase of securities to offset a previously transacted sale of the same security. 2. A...
quiet title

Quiet Title

What is a Quiet Title Action A quiet title action is a legal proceeding used to establish the ownership of real estate when there are...

Variable Prepaid Forward Contracts

What is 'Variable Prepaid Forward Contracts' An agreement to give a predetermined number of shares to a brokerage firm, with the stipulation...

Value-Added Tax (VAT)

What is a 'Value-Added Tax - VAT' A value-added tax (VAT) is a type of consumption tax that is placed on a...
Wash trading

Wash Trading

What is Wash Trading Wash trading is the illegal practice of buying and selling assets in order to artificially inflate the price. This is often...

