Tag: rate

Yield Curve Risk

What is the 'Yield Curve Risk' The yield curve risk is the risk of experiencing an adverse shift in market interest rates...

Halloween Massacre

Definition"Halloween Massacre" is the term associated with the major reorganization of United States president Gerald Ford's cabinet on November 4, 1975, which was an...

Yield-Based Option

What is 'Yield-Based Option' A type of debt-instrument-based option that derives its value from the difference between the exercise price and the...

Yearly Price Of Protection Method

What is 'Yearly Price Of Protection Method' A method used in actuarial analysis, which is often used in the insurance industry. The...

Yield Elbow

What is 'Yield Elbow' The point on the yield curve indicating the year in which the economy's highest interest rates occur. The...

Yield Curve

A yield curve depicts interest rates of bonds having different maturities, but same credit quality, at a specific point in time. The yield curve...
Yield Maintenance

Yield Maintenance

Yield Maintenance in Commercial Real Estate Loans Yield Maintenance refers to the penalties you pay if you pay off your loan early. The penalty is...

Young And Wealthy But Normal (YAWN)

What is 'Young And Wealthy But Normal - YAWN' A class of self-made millionaires that live relatively modest lives. Instead of spending...

Yield Variance

What is 'Yield Variance' Yield variance is the difference between actual output and standard output of a production or manufacturing process, based...

Yearly Renewable Term Plan of Reinsurance

What is 'Yearly Renewable Term Plan of Reinsurance' A type of life reinsurance where mortality risks are transferred to a reinsurer. In...

