Tag: rate

KZT (Kazakhstan Tenge)

What is 'KZT' The currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the Kazakhstan tenge (KZT) is for the currency of Kazakhstan. The tenge...
key rate

Key Rate

What is a key rate and why is it important A key rate is a specific interest rate that is closely watched by investors because...

Hedge Clause

What is 'Hedge Clause' A provision included in published financial reports that indemnifies the author, or authors, against any responsibility for any...

Kairi Relative Index

What is 'Kairi Relative Index' A technical indicator used to spot relationships in trending markets. The Kairi Relative Index was created long...

Home Equity Loan

DefinitionA home equity loan is a type of loan in which the borrower uses the equity of his or her home as collateral. The...
Hard dollars

Hard Dollars

What are hard dollars Hard dollars are funds that are specifically designated for a particular purpose. In business, hard dollars usually refer to expenditures that...

Hard Landing

What is 'Hard Landing' An economic state wherein the economy is slowing down sharply or is tipped into outright recession after a...

Heath-Jarrow-Morton Model (HJM Model)

What is 'Heath-Jarrow-Morton Model - HJM Model' A model that applies forward rates to an existing term structure of interest rates to determine...

Hara-Kiri Swap

What is 'Hara-Kiri Swap' An interest rate or cross-currency swap devoid of any profit margin for the originator. The term gets its...

Hamburg Stock Exchange (HAM) .H

What is 'Hamburg Stock Exchange (HAM) .H' This now-defunct exchange was located in Hamburg, Germany. It traded stocks, bonds and other securities...

