Tag: problems

James J. Heckman

DefinitionJames Joseph Heckman is an American economist who is currently at the University of Chicago, where he is The Henry Schultz Distinguished Service Professor...

Eat Well, Sleep Well

What is 'Eat Well, Sleep Well' An adage that, referring to the risk/return trade-off, says that the type of security an investor...


What is 'Y2K' A shorthand term for "the year 2000" commonly used to refer to a widespread computer programming shortcut that was...


What is 'I' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that it is the third preferred bond of the company. Explaining 'I' ...

Gambling Loss

What is 'Gambling Loss' A loss resulting from games of chance or wagers on events with uncertain outcomes (gambling). These losses can...

Ragnar Frisch

What is 'Ragnar Frisch' A Norwegian economist and joint winner in 1969 of the very first Nobel Prize in Economics, along with...

