Tag: price

Hedge Accounting

Hedge Accounting

What is 'Hedge Accounting' Hedge accounting is a method of accounting where entries for the ownership of a security and the opposing hedge are treated...

Headline Inflation

DefinitionHeadline inflation is a measure of the total inflation within an economy, including commodities such as food and energy prices, which tend to be...


DefinitionA hammer is a tool or device that delivers a blow to an object. Most hammers are hand tools used to drive nails, fit...


DefinitionIn economics, hyperinflation is very high and typically accelerating inflation. It quickly erodes the real value of the currency, as the prices of most...

Headline Effect

What is 'Headline Effect' The effect that negative news in the popular press has on a corporation or an economy. Whether it...

Harmonic Average

DefinitionIn mathematics, the harmonic mean is one of several kinds of average, and in particular one of the Pythagorean means. Typically, it is appropriate...

Yield To Average Life

What is 'Yield To Average Life' The yield on a fixed-income security when the average maturity is substituted for the maturity date...

Yield Pickup

What is 'Yield Pickup' The additional interest rate an investor receives when selling a lower-yielding bond in exchange for a higher-yielding bond....


What is 'Yen ETF' Exchange-traded funds that invest primarily in yen-backed assets such as short-term debt instruments and bonds, or hold the...

Yield Curve Risk

What is the 'Yield Curve Risk' The yield curve risk is the risk of experiencing an adverse shift in market interest rates...

