Tag: opportunity

Small Cap

What is Small Cap? Small cap refers to companies with small market capitalization. The definition tends to change a lot, but it generally refers...

Sales Meeting

What is 'Sales Meeting' A gathering in which a product or service is being discussed, and the benefits are outlined to the...

Scarcity Principle

The Scarcity Principle, like other principles of economics, comes from the principles of psychology and behavioral sciences. As per the simplest definition, it states...


What is 'Backpricing' A pricing method used in specific futures contracts whereby the price of the commodity to be delivered is priced...

Cost basis

DefinitionBasis, as used in United States tax law, is the original cost of property, adjusted for factors such as depreciation. When property is sold,...

Private Equity

DefinitionPrivate equity typically refers to investment funds organized as limited partnerships that are not publicly traded and whose investors are typically large institutional investors,...

Qualified Trust

What is 'Qualified Trust' A tax-advantaged fiduciary relationship between an employer and an employee in the form of a stock bonus, pension,...

Variable Universal Life Insurance (VUL)

What is 'Variable Universal Life Insurance - VUL' Variable universal life insurance (VUL) is a form of cash-value life insurance that offers...

Variable Cost

What is a 'Variable Cost' A variable cost is a corporate expense that varies with production output. Variable costs are those costs...

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

DefinitionThe Federal Communications Commission is an independent agency of the United States government created by statute to regulate interstate communications by radio, television, wire,...

