Tag: ministry

tax deduction

Tax Deduction

What is a tax deduction and how does it work A tax deduction is an expense that can be subtracted from your taxable income. This...


Debt means anything that is either owed and/or due. The parties to any debt are referred to as lenders i.e. those who give, and borrowers or those who receive loan. Usage Debt is...

Economic And Social Stabilization Fund (Chile)

What is 'Economic And Social Stabilization Fund - Chile' The Economic and Social Stabilization Fund is a government-owned investment organization that manages...


Investment refers to buying financial assets with the expectation of earning profit in the future. The underlying asset is purchased not for immediate consumption,...


What is 'Heavy' A market that is demonstrating difficulty in advancing and is displaying a tendency to decline. A heavy market may...

Japanese Housewives

What is 'Japanese Housewives' Japanese housewives, in the foreign exchange world, is a collective term for the legions of Japanese matriarchs who...

Japan Inc.

What is 'Japan Inc.' A nickname for the corporate world of Japan that came about during the 1980s boom, when Western business...

Japanese Government Bond (JGB)

What is 'Japanese Government Bond - JGB' A bond issued by the government of Japan. The government pays interest on the bond...

Joint Bond

What is 'Joint Bond' A bond that is guaranteed by a party other than the issuer. A joint bond is an issue...

Idle Funds

What is 'Idle Funds' Money that is not invested and, therefore, earning no interest or investment income. Idle funds are simply funds...

