Tag: impact


Economic Conditions

The current state of the economy The current state of the economy is a mixed bag. On the one hand, unemployment rates are at historic...
Economic capital

Economic Capital

Define Economic Capital Economic capital refers to the money that a business or individual has available to invest in new ventures or cover unexpected expenses....

Target Firm

What is a 'Target Firm' A target firm is a company which is the subject of a merger or acquisition attempt. A...

Tail Risk

DefinitionTail risk is the additional risk of an asset or portfolio of assets moving more than 3 standard deviations from its current price, above...

G7 Bond

What is 'G7 Bond' A term used to refer to government bonds issued by a nation in the Group of Seven (G7)....

Daily Factor

What is 'Daily Factor' A decimal representing the portion of an annual yield earned in one day. Daily factors are often reported...


What is 'Y2K' A shorthand term for "the year 2000" commonly used to refer to a widespread computer programming shortcut that was...


What is 'H' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that it is the second preferred bond of the company. Explaining 'H'...

Gambling Loss

What is 'Gambling Loss' A loss resulting from games of chance or wagers on events with uncertain outcomes (gambling). These losses can...

FDIC Problem Bank List

DefinitionIn American finance, the FDIC problem bank list is a confidential list created and maintained by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which lists banks...

