Tag: fields

Oil Initially In Place (OIIP)

What is 'Oil Initially In Place - OIIP' The amount of crude first estimated to be in a reservoir. Oil initially in...

Source: WikipediaLast Sourced: 2021-02-01This Article has been Edited for Accessibility Further Reading Event studies in economics and financewww.jstor.org ECONOMISTS are frequently asked to...

Macro Manager

What is 'Macro Manager' A boss or supervisor who lets employees do their jobs with minimal supervision. Macro managers are thought of...

Valoren Number

What is 'Valoren Number' An identification number assigned to financial instruments in Switzerland. These numbers are similar to the CUSIP numbers that...


What is 'V' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that it is when-issued or when-distributed. Explaining 'V' Nasdaq-listed securities have...


What is 'D' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that the stock is a new issue. Explaining 'D' Nasdaq-listed securities...


What is 'L' The fifth character added to a stock symbol listed on the Nasdaq to denote a miscellaneous situation. When L...


What is 'T' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that the stock has warrants or rights. Explaining 'T' Nasdaq-listed securities...


What is 'N' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that it is the company's third class of preferred shares. The N in the...


What is 'Y' A letter that appears on a Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that a particular stock is an American Depositary Receipt....

